DimGuy discovers what it means to be swellheaded
According to SingTao News(11/05/2004), Jade Kwan is going to insure her vocal cords for a few million HKD. She would be paying a premium of $5000 HKD per month for the sum insured. She also told the press that her throat had bled when she used her voice forcefully and as she's an A-list singer, it would be terrible if she couldn't sing. Hence, the payout would be handy if she was to lose her voice in the future.
DimGuy: Bok See, why did Jade Kwan need to buy insurance for her vocals ar?!
WHY Bok See (Professor): Oh…and why not? (^-^)
DimGuy: ‘Cos all that money would have been put to better use like giving to charity, saving strays, cancer societies etc, etc.
WHY Bok See: Duh… her voice is her livelihood? Didn’t know she is an A-list singer though. Where did that come from? How thick-skinned one can be… (^_^”)
DimGuy: Her voice…not impressive wor. Shrill and dull. Who said she is an A-list singer ga??!!
WHY Bok See: Buying insurance...maybe, perhaps the insurance agent smote her. Kau Jai (courting a guy) mah! Hehehe. Hmm…she’s not pretty, she is diminutive, she can’t act and she…oh well, don’t know what she can do besides sing. If you call that singing…*laughs to himself again*
DimGuy: Bled when she uses her vocals too forcefully... Doesn’t that imply that she is not projecting her voice properly??!!! She should spend her money on vocal training lessons. So dumb!!
WHY Bok See: Ahhhh… Ah Dim, you are getting brighter!! (^o^)
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